2020 Has Been A Year That Has Brought So Many Challenges, In Spite of Covid, You Are Still Standing
Allow Us To Help You
Floating Counseling Therapy gives tools and realistic strategy to manage your emotions and deal with your trauma during this pandemic as a key worker even if you are a parent
I know you are busy, I know you are surviving, I know therapy might scare you and be daunting, I know your child means the world to you and I want to help you create a lasting positive effective bond even during discipline
Which Of These Lies Is Stopping You From Buying This Knowlegefull book?
I Do Not Have Enough Time
"If you don't take time for your wellness, you will be forced to take time for your illness"
Joyce Sunada
harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et
deserunt, recusandae.
There was nothing wrong with the way I was spanked
This book is not telling you what to do and not do as a parent, This book is full of researched real strategies to parent more effectively. To ensure you raise your child to be resilient and confident regardless of what life brings and to discipline in love, which will help their future relationships an friendships
Paint A Very Bleak Picture And Identify That You Too Were Once In This Very Position.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam
harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et
deserunt, recusandae.
After over a decade of being a Psychotherapist, I found the root of my clients problems
... I am on a mission to ensure I let parents as many parents know how to prevent trauma in their child
Imagine a life where your child is all grown up, your child is successful in the area of career or life they want and most of all your is happy
BUT... imagine YOUR CHILD thanks you for all of this!
Show Off All The Possible Benefits.
_Use these few bullets to paint the picture of the scenario that your ideal client could be living if
they took up you offer and got the promised results
_Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus dignissim rhoncus ligula,
vitae cursus metus porttitor eu. Aenean in gravida neque.
_Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus dignissim rhoncus ligula,
vitae cursus metus porttitor eu. Aenean in gravida neque.
_Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus dignissim rhoncus ligula,
vitae cursus metus porttitor eu. Aenean in gravida neque.
Show Them They Can Get The Above Benefits And Results Without....
Wasted Time.....
Wasted Money.....
Frustration Etc...
Now it's Time For The Big Reveal...
Hit them with a snazzy heading to lead in..
Name of your offer.
Here's where you officially announce your offer on this page. This is the big reveal. Explain what makes it better than other offers out there and what makes it unique. As always make sure it calls out those who would have objections e.g. even if you have no business idea / tried every diet etc.
X This IS NOT a course...
X This IS NOT like the hundreds of books with no real tools or strategies to implement
X This book IS NOT a waste of money
Huge Benefit 1
Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.
abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo
quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.
Huge Benefit 2
Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.
abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo
quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.
Huge Benefit 3
Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.
abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo
quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.
Show off just how much easier, lighter,
happier, better things will be when this
solution is placed into their lives.
Module 1
Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.
abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo
quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.
Demo image
Module 2
Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.
abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo
quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.
Demo image
Module 3
Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.
abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo
quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.
Demo image
Module 4
Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.
abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo
quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.
Demo image
Module 5
Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.
abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo
quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.
Demo image
Module 6
Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.
abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo
quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.
Demo image
Bonus 1
Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.
abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo
quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.
Demo image
Bonus 1
Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.
abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo
quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.
Demo image
Bonus 1
Lorern ccurn dolcr sit arrot.corr.actotur aclipluang est Autcm Won:.
abay numquarnonim alavoluptata Id ctuam harem duomm curio:Rao slrnrIcluo
quisctuam etdomNnt rccuandae.
Demo image
Present your juicy offer stack with catchy headline...
_Core element included in the offer (value $xx) _Core element included in the offer (value $xx)
_Core element included in the offer (value $xx) _Core element included in the offer (value $xx)
_Core element included in the offer (value $xx) _Core element included in the offer (value $xx)
* Bonus element included in the offer (value $xx) * Bonus element included in the offer (value $xx)
* Bonus element included in the offer (value $xx) * Bonus element included in the offer (value $xx)
Total value $997
Today only = $27
Use This Space To Talk About A Guarantee
if They Are Not 100% Satisfied.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.
Celestina Oniye-Thomas
After almost 24 hours of spinal injury at the age of 16, that left me paralyzed I began to love life and my passion to work with children grew. I fought through all odds and taught myself to walk again, despite doctors thinking and repeatedly telling me that "I may never walk again."
I am now muti award, fully-certified and qualified Integrative, Behaviour Psychotherapist, I have been in this Profession for 15 years wife and mother of 2. My passion is to help other parents and children heal from their past trauma so they and your child can flourish. The essence of my work is to facilitate self-growth by helping you identify the core challenges and setbacks in your life so that you can overcome them with inner confidence. The team and I specialise in creating personalised plans and providing tools to guide you forward and achieve your desired goals.
I now use my over a decade experience as a Psychotherapist, my father's genius parenting strategy, my trauma from my stepmother, overcoming death three times and paralyses as well as my experience as an ex-teacher to support families and parents in the last 15 years. I want all parents to heal so they do not keep passing their trauma to their children, I wished all children heal, I want to help parents see their child's uniqueness and grow it to allow your child to be great in all areas.